2 research outputs found

    Estructuración y diseño de la maestría en gerencia industrial

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    Aprovechando al máximo el Comité Central de Investigaciones con que cuenta la Universidad, se presenta un proyecto como lo es el Diseño y Estructuración de una Maestría, de esta forma se genera y estimula el desarrollo de las capacidades y habilidades investigativas que aumentan los conocimientos acerca de el desarrollo a nivel tanto departamental, nacional e internacional de los estudios de post grado. Se presenta en este documento la estructuración y Diseño de la Maestría en Gerencia Industrial, siguiendo fielmente todos los estándares establecidos por el ICFES para los estudios de post grado, garantizando la calidad de su curriculum; además se justifican todos los lineamientos y las diferentes alternativas en las que el estudiante de post grado quiera profundizar, lo anterior se tiene en cuenta a la hora de tomar decisiones con respecto a las materias que se proponen como parte del Pensum de la Maestría. La importancia y la necesidad que se genera para que se desarrolle esta o cualquier otra maestría que diferentes grupos investigativos propongan hace de que la universidad se diversifique y continúe en el aumento del conocimiento y la alta calidad en la educación, lo que sin duda le proporcionará mayor competitividad y prestigio a la misma. Finalmente, se busca que por medio del desarrollo de este proyecto se identifique cada uno de los puntos indispensables que se deben tener en cuenta para la creación de una maestría tratando de generar interés a la hora de su selección, ofreciendo una ventaja competitiva con respecto a post grados ofrecidos en el mismo campoPasantía (Ingeniero Industrial)-- Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. Facultad de Ingeniería, 2006PregradoIngeniero(a) Industria

    Conflict, Postconflict, and the Functions of the University: Lessons from Colombia and other Armed Conflicts

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    Thesis advisor: Philip G. Altbach"Education and conflict" has emerged as a new field of study during the last two decades. However, higher education is still relatively absent from this debate as most of the research has focused on primary and non-formal education. This dissertation is an exploratory qualitative study on the potential role of higher education in peacebuilding processes. The conceptual framework for the study is a taxonomy of the functions of higher education designed by the author. The questions guiding the dissertation are: 1) What can we learn about the role of higher education in conflict and postconflict from the experience of countries that have suffered internal conflicts in the last century? 2) How are universities in Colombia affected by the ongoing armed conflict in the country? 3) How can Colombian higher education contribute to build sustainable peace in the country? First, based on secondary sources, the dissertation explores seven armed conflicts that took place during the twentieth century. Then, the focus turns to the Colombian case. The research incorporates the analysis of 23 semi-structured interviews, published and unpublished documents, institutional websites, and government statistics, among others. In most of the conflicts included in the international overview, higher education institutions (HEIs) played instrumental roles during the conflict and the postconflict. Yet, those roles were not always conducive for peacebuilding. Universities, professors and students have been affected by the conflict, have participated in it, and sometimes, have been used by the combating parties for logistical purposes or to promote an ideology. In contrast, delegating a peacebuilding role to higher education is a relatively new phenomenon. Armed conflict in Colombia tends to affect public HEIs more than private ones. Public and private HEIs in Colombia have participated in peacebuilding activities. Sometimes they collaborated with government agencies and NGOs; other times, they worked independently. The contribution of higher education to peacebuilding goes beyond its traditional teaching function and includes many other functions that are hardly mentioned in peacebuilding literature.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2013.Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education.Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education